
General information

Name: L.A.B.E.L.® (List of Bipolar and Likert Scale Adjectives)

Authors: Francis Gendre, Roland Capel and Renzo Oswald.

Developed by: University of Lausanne (Switzerland), Institute of Psychology (1997);
Use: R&S, team-building, coaching, selection, 360º, self-knowledge, counseling and development, career plans, mapping, etc.

Target audience: It is intended for an adult population (+17 years), with a medium to higher education level.

Application time: on average 20 minutes.

Application form: Computerized and individual. Available in 6 languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.

General type: Self description or description by others.

Application: Clear instructions, simple, easy to understand.

Content: L.A.B.E.L.® analyzes self or heterodescriptions expressed via a series of 87 bipolar items and 87 classic unipolar items. The respondent is determined by a total of 261 adjectives.
In bipolar items it is necessary to determine between two adjectives that describe the personality. A symmetric scale in 5 points, which added with a sixth option that allows to reject the two terms of the alternative, serves as a reference.

Originality of results: L.A.B.E.L.® computes the standardized numerical results on 6 fundamental, 5 control, 89 basic and 46 ‘functional’ scales.
And more; the 13 empirical clusters synthesize the information (forcibly redundant) information found on the 89 scales in a global graphical representation called the “psychic mark”
The five control scales of LABEL® (the only test to calculate this in the world) are extremely useful to better understand what spirit the person responded to the test, their suitability for the task, their level of collaboration or their willingness to conceal or improve the own image.
L.A.B.E.L.® can measure any personality trait on condition that the composition of the scale is known and can be calculated.
The 89 basic scales correspond to personality theories with a proven scientific basis and whose interpretations are admitted by researchers in psychology:

  • The five big factors (Big Five) according to Norman & Goldberg
  • Transactional Analysis (TA) according to Berne
  • The Professional Personality according to Holland
  • The Types of Cognitive Style according to Welsh
  • The Theory of Needs according to Murray
  • The types of the cubic model according to Gough
  • The Mechanisms of Response to stress according to Heilbrun
  • Types related to Millon Theories (exclusively for clinical use)
  • Humors Theory (own to L.A.B.E.L.®)
  • The Enneagram
  • Professional Scales (own to L.A.B.E.L.®)
  • The biossocial model according to Cloninger
  • Plus the Hippocratic types and the roles of sexual identity.

The user of L.A.B.E.L.® has all these results without having to use the specific tools of all these theories and with the same validity, but a much higher trustworthiness.

Underlying idea: L.A.B.E.L.® was created for PO & T as an easy-to-use and versatile instrument that can evolve easily with the advancement of psychometric research. The originality of L.A.B.E.L. (and all the tools of this type – Functional Method tests) lies essentially in its construction and its correction which has nothing to do with the classical techniques of scale elaboration. L.A.B.E.L.® is presented first as a new process of analysis of the decision strategy of an individual confronted with a list of stimuli that require a decision (response), such as the descriptive adjectives of personality. The technique used in L.A.B.E.L.® can clearly be applied in other fields of existence such as interests, leisure, attachment to professional or personal values, etc.
The method of constructing L.A.B.E.L.® (as well as the process of correcting responses to 174 items) is called “functional” because it is based on the statistical technique of multiple regressions.

Manual and certification: The manual provides theoretical and practical indications on the scales and the form of interpretation. Professionals who want to use L.A.B.E.L.® to interpret the profiles, must be certified by the official representative in South America and Europe De Paula Eficiência Empresarial.

Recognition: L.A.B.E.L.® was approved by the Federal Council of Psychology at its Plenary Session number 35 held on October 15, 2004.


Other information:

Fernanda de Paula
Executive President

De Paula Eficiência Empresarial.
Tel: +45 998267141
E-mail: fernanda@depaulaee.com

Contact us:
De Paula is a company focused on the behavioral analysis and the study of the personality of the executives. Contact us and request more information about the functional method, details of implantation in your company and investments.
